A group of supervillains are recruited to go on missions for the government.
A group of supervillains are recruited to go on missions for the government.
Paris, dias atuais. Em uma noite fugaz, dois estranhos embarcam em uma aventura romântica espontânea que desafia suas visões sobre amor e conexão, misturando humor e momentos sinceros em uma exploração única de relacionamentos modernos. AlterLove' enfrentou o desafio único de filmar e transmitir escuridão total. A equipe desenvolveu um fluxo de trabalho especializado para atingir esse efeito, e o resultado ideal só pode ser totalmente apreciado em um ambiente de cinema, projetado em DCP. Nenhuma tecnologia de tela inicial pode reproduzir fielmente o efeito complexo criado pelo diretor e pelo diretor de fotografia. DisconnectionEscrito por Sacha Got/Marlon MagneeAtuação de La Femme
Quando um grupo de estudantes é feito refém no Afeganistão, um soldado americano chamado Jake (Eva Green) se junta a uma unidade de comandos femininos para libertá-las. O plano: ganhar a confiança dos terroristas se passando por membros de uma organização de ajuda. Mas traições, tragédias e os fantasmas do passado de Jake complicam o resgate nesta missão de vida ou morte.
Original stories set in the worlds of iconic video games are featured in this animated anthology series. Video games have made the leap to the screen in a big way, and we’re celebrating the genre with a closer look at over 50 video game adaptations into movies and shows. Clive Standen will reprise his voice role of Demetrius Titus, the main character from the video game Space Marine 2.
Referenced in Film Junk Podcast: Episode 973: Carry-On (2024). The animation is beautiful, that’s undeniable. However, I have a hard time getting excited about such short episodes.
You can’t get completely enthralled because you know it’s over before you can have any sort of connection with the characters. It was nice to see some celebrity involvement. It’s all a bit too experimental and lacking in depth for me.
Also, if I had been given the choice of source material, I think I would have picked a completely different set of games to revere. The Pacman episode was fine, but it was a demonstration of how to push artistic license to the absolute limit. Overall, I found the entire series to be a bit of a letdown.
Your guide to all the new movies and shows streaming on Prime Video in the US this month.
Mirasını insan yetiştirilmesiyle uzlaştırırken adını taşıyan süper kahramanı takip eder. O, bunu eski moda olarak gören bir dünyada gerçeğin, adaletin ve Amerikan tarzının vücut bulmuş halidir. James Gunn, babasının ölümünün senaryo üzerinde bir etkisi olduğunu tweetledi. Filmin yayın tarihi olan 11 Temmuz 2025, babasının doğum günüydü. AniMat’ın Çılgın Çizgi Film Kadrosunda Öne Çıkanlar: Bir Pokémon Ustasının Sonu (2022)
O akıllı. O sevimli. O Dexter Morgan, Amerika’nın en sevilen seri katili, günlerini suçları çözmekle, gecelerini ise onları işlemekle geçiriyor. 8. sezonda, Angel Batista her zaman David Zayas tarafından canlandırılmıyordu. Oğlu David Zayas Jr., bazı sahnelerde babayı oynuyor çünkü ikisi de birbirine çok benziyor. İlk sezon boyunca görülen Dexter’ın sol tarafında büyük bir yara izi var. Daha sonra, ikinci sezonda yara izi sağ tarafına geçti ve sol tarafı izsiz kaldı. Dexter Morgan: Uzun süre karanlıkta yaşadım. Yıllar geçtikçe gözlerim alıştı, ta ki karanlık benim dünyam olana ve görebilene kadar. 64. Yıllık Altın Küre Ödülleri (2007). Ana TemaRolfe Kent tarafından yazıldıRolfe Kent tarafından canlandırıldı. Bu kadar çok sezona rağmen kimse sıkılmıyor veya izole olmuyor. Sürükleyici ve benzersiz bir dizi.
Mismatched cousins reunite for a trip to Poland to honor their beloved grandmother, but old tensions resurface as their family history unravels. When Benji and David visit their grandmother’s home in Poland, Jesse Eisenberg’s 39-year-old real-life ancestors settled in the diaspora… Benji Kaplan: We stay mobile, we stay light, we stay agile. Benji Kaplan: The conductor comes over, we take tickets, we tell him we’re going to the bathroom. David Kaplan: Bathroom. Benji Kaplan: He gets in the back of the train, heads for the front, looking for vagrants. David Kaplan: Excuse me, are we the vagrants?
By the time he gets to the front, the train will be at the station, and we’ll be free to go home. David Kaplan: That’s fucking stupid. Tickets are probably like twelve dollars. Benji Kaplan: That’s the principle of it. We shouldn’t have to pay for train tickets in Poland. This is our country. David Kaplan: No, this was our country.
They fired us because they thought we were cheap. 12 Etudes, Op. 25, No. 3 in F Major Written by Frederic Chopin Performed by Tzvi Erez. Jesse Eisenberg’s second attempt as a writer-director is set to do something unconventional. There’s something of Richard Linklater’s BEFORE trilogy in the DNA of A REAL PAIN, and some recognizable heritage from Michael Winterbottom’s TRIP series is also evident. The perambulating pacing, the languid cinematography that begs you to look beneath the surface of the tourist attractions, the dialogue that meanders through a modest and unstructured exposition of the meaning of life, the complete absence of “bad guys”; the almost complete absence of direct conflict, the faintest hint of a purpose driving the plot beyond the completion of a simple road map…
True Grit shares all of these realistic traits with the earlier, more buoyant, life-affirming films. Yet somehow… I don’t know what was wrong with why I didn’t really get into this film. I think a lot of it has to do with all the supporting characters (that is, everyone except the cousins played by Eisenberg and Kieran Culkin). Will Sharpe’s non-Jewish tour guide, the Rwandan proselytizer, the old couple, the sexy divorcee… the characters are all very simple, very conventional, very boring. The actors who play them are okay, but they don’t have much to do, so they seem unnatural and lifeless, more like props than people.
I think Eisenberg knows how to direct a camera; he knows how to put the right cinematic elements in place. There’s never any indication that these people exist beyond the moments we see them in, which could have been improved by more spontaneous improvisation from the actors. Eisenberg and especially Culkin are better in this regard, but there’s still something rather crude and “written” about a lot of what they say and do. Eisenberg’s “workaholic, OCD salesman” is largely one-dimensional, and the few times his character expands beyond that facade feel more like forced acting than any real glimpse into anything deeper. Culkin is wonderful—perhaps a glimpse of his successor’s character, if Roman Roy really cared about people—but I think that’s just down to Culkin’s talent; he somehow manages to transcend what he’s given to work with. It’s a decent independent film with a few good laughs, some interesting ideas, a memorable tour of Poland, and a solid performance from Culkin.
The lush and breathtaking beauty of the Alps, filmed with painterly grace under natural light from frigid winter to redemptive spring, provides the physical and emotional backdrop for 'Vermiglio,' Maura Delpero’s visionary film, which won the Silver Lion at the 2024 Venice Film Festival
A refugee is one of many identical men who appear in London. Disguised as a homeless man, he visits the home of a high-society family and befriends their maid. He interacts intimately with each of them, thus catalyzing their spiritual awakening. Remake of Θεώρημα (1968)