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Przegląd polskich platform bukmacherskich

Wprowadzenie do polskiego rynku bukmacherskiego

Polski rynek bukmacherski przeszedł znaczącą transformację w ostatnich latach, zwłaszcza po wprowadzeniu nowych regulacji w 2017 roku. Obecnie działa na nim kilkanaście legalnych platform bukmacherskich, oferujących szeroki wachlarz zakładów sportowych i innych form rozrywki. Konkurencja między operatorami przyczynia się do ciągłego podnoszenia jakości usług i poszerzania oferty dla graczy.

Legalni bukmacherzy w Polsce muszą spełniać surowe wymagania prawne i finansowe, co zapewnia bezpieczeństwo graczom. Wśród najważniejszych aspektów, na które warto zwrócić uwagę przy wyborze platformy bukmacherskiej, są:

  • Licencja Ministerstwa Finansów
  • Szerokość oferty zakładów
  • Konkurencyjność kursów
  • Jakość obsługi klienta
  • Dostępność aplikacji mobilnej

Każda z platform ma swoje mocne i słabe strony, dlatego warto dokładnie przeanalizować ofertę przed dokonaniem wyboru. W dalszej części artykułu przyjrzymy się bliżej największym graczom na polskim rynku bukmacherskim, oceniając ich ofertę, funkcjonalność i dodatkowe korzyści dla graczy.

STS – lider polskiego rynku

STS (Star-Typ Sport) to niekwestionowany lider polskiego rynku bukmacherskiego, działający od 1997 roku. Firma posiada największy udział w rynku i cieszy się ogromną popularnością wśród graczy. STS oferuje szeroki zakres zakładów sportowych, obejmujący popularne dyscypliny, jak piłka nożna, siatkówka czy tenis, ale także mniej znane sporty i wydarzenia e-sportowe.

Jedną z głównych zalet STS jest rozbudowana oferta zakładów na żywo, umożliwiająca obstawianie wydarzeń w trakcie ich trwania. Platforma oferuje również transmisje na żywo z wielu wydarzeń sportowych, co znacznie podnosi atrakcyjność zakładów. STS wyróżnia się także konkurencyjnymi kursami, często przewyższającymi oferty konkurencji.

Do mocnych stron STS należą:

  • Intuicyjny interfejs strony internetowej i aplikacji mobilnej
  • Bogata oferta promocji i bonusów dla nowych i stałych klientów
  • Szybkie wypłaty wygranych
  • Profesjonalna obsługa klienta dostępna 24/7
  • Innowacyjne funkcje, takie jak cash-out czy zakłady systemowe

STS stale rozwija swoją ofertę, wprowadzając nowe rodzaje zakładów i funkcjonalności. Firma kładzie duży nacisk na odpowiedzialne granie, oferując narzędzia do Betonred – opinie graczy kontroli czasu i wydatków. Mimo silnej konkurencji, STS utrzymuje pozycję lidera, co świadczy o wysokiej jakości świadczonych usług i zaufaniu klientów.

Fortuna – tradycja i nowoczesność

Fortuna to jeden z najstarszych i najbardziej rozpoznawalnych bukmacherów w Polsce, działający od 1996 roku. Firma skutecznie łączy tradycję z nowoczesnością, oferując zaawansowane rozwiązania technologiczne przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu sprawdzonych metod obsługi klienta. Fortuna słynie z szerokiej oferty zakładów, obejmującej nie tylko wydarzenia sportowe, ale także zakłady na wydarzenia polityczne czy rozrywkowe.

Jednym z wyróżników Fortuny jest rozbudowany system zakładów specjalnych i długoterminowych, pozwalający na obstawianie wyników całych sezonów czy turniejów. Bukmacher oferuje również atrakcyjne promocje, w tym bonus powitalny dla nowych graczy oraz regularne akcje dla stałych klientów.

Kluczowe zalety Fortuny to:

  • Bogata oferta zakładów przedmeczowych i na żywo
  • Zaawansowana aplikacja mobilna z funkcją szybkich zakładów
  • Fortuna TV – platforma z transmisjami na żywo
  • Program lojalnościowy z atrakcyjnymi nagrodami
  • Rozbudowany dział statystyk i analiz

Fortuna inwestuje w rozwój technologiczny, regularnie wprowadzając nowe funkcje i ulepszenia platformy. Firma aktywnie wspiera polski sport, sponsorując drużyny i wydarzenia sportowe. Dzięki połączeniu tradycji z innowacją, Fortuna pozostaje jednym z czołowych graczy na polskim rynku bukmacherskim.

Betclic – międzynarodowe doświadczenie

Betclic to międzynarodowy bukmacher, który wszedł na polski rynek stosunkowo niedawno, ale szybko zdobył uznanie graczy. Firma korzysta z bogatego doświadczenia zdobytego na rynkach europejskich, oferując polskim klientom zaawansowane rozwiązania i innowacyjne podejście do zakładów sportowych. Betclic wyróżnia się nowoczesnym designem platformy i intuicyjną nawigacją, co ułatwia korzystanie z serwisu nawet początkującym graczom.

Jedną z głównych zalet Betclic jest bogata oferta zakładów na żywo, wspierana przez zaawansowane narzędzia do śledzenia statystyk i wizualizacji przebiegu wydarzeń. Bukmacher oferuje również atrakcyjne kursy, często konkurencyjne wobec innych operatorów na rynku. Betclic stawia na personalizację doświadczeń użytkownika, oferując spersonalizowane promocje i rekomendacje zakładów.

Do mocnych stron Betclic należą:

  • Zaawansowana platforma do zakładów na żywo
  • Szeroka oferta zakładów na e-sport
  • Innowacyjne funkcje, takie jak multi view czy cash out
  • Regularne promocje i bonusy dla stałych klientów
  • Responsywna obsługa klienta dostępna przez różne kanały komunikacji

Betclic systematycznie rozszerza swoją ofertę, wprowadzając nowe rodzaje zakładów i funkcjonalności. Firma kładzie duży nacisk na odpowiedzialne granie, oferując narzędzia do kontroli limitów i samowykluczenia. Dzięki połączeniu międzynarodowego know-how z lokalnym podejściem, Betclic staje się coraz silniejszym graczem na polskim rynku bukmacherskim.

Podsumowanie i perspektywy rozwoju

Polski rynek bukmacherski charakteryzuje się dużą dynamiką i konkurencyjnością. Przedstawione platformy – STS, Fortuna i Betclic – to tylko część z dostępnych opcji dla graczy. Każdy z bukmacherów ma swoje unikalne cechy i ofertę, co pozwala graczom na wybór platformy najlepiej dopasowanej do ich potrzeb i preferencji.

Przyszłość rynku bukmacherskiego w Polsce zapowiada się obiecująco. Oczekuje się dalszego rozwoju technologicznego, w tym:

  • Zwiększenia roli sztucznej inteligencji w analizie zakładów
  • Rozszerzenia oferty zakładów na wydarzenia wirtualne i e-sportowe
  • Dalszego rozwoju aplikacji mobilnych i zakładów przez urządzenia przenośne
  • Wprowadzenia nowych metod płatności, w tym kryptowalut
  • Zwiększenia nacisku na odpowiedzialne granie i ochronę graczy

Warto pamiętać, że mimo rosnącej konkurencji i atrakcyjnych ofert, zakłady bukmacherskie wiążą się z ryzykiem finansowym. Gracze powinni podchodzić do obstawiania z rozwagą, ustalając limity i korzystając z narzędzi do odpowiedzialnego grania oferowanych przez bukmacherów. Rynek bukmacherski w Polsce będzie się nadal rozwijał, oferując coraz bardziej zaawansowane i bezpieczne rozwiązania dla miłośników sportu i zakładów.

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Що таке RTP і як він впливає на гру

Що таке RTP і як він впливає на гру? Це питання часто виникає у гравців, які прагнуть зрозуміти, як шанси на виграш у казино пов’язані з відсотком повернення гравцеві. RTP, або Return to Player, це ключовий показник, який вказує на те, яку частину грошей гравці можуть очікувати отримати назад у вигляді виграшів у довгостроковій перспективі.

Коли ми говоримо про те, що таке RTP і як він впливає на гру, важливо розуміти, що цей відсоток не гарантує виграш у кожній окремій грі, а лише вказує на загальні шанси. Наприклад, слот з RTP 96% теоретично поверне 96 гривень з кожних 100 гривень, які були поставлені протягом великої кількості спінів.

Що таке RTP і як він впливає на гру, може змінюватися залежно від типу гри. У слотах RTP зазвичай зазначається у відсотках, але у настільних іграх, таких як покер чи рулетка, цей показник може бути дещо складнішим для розрахунку через численні варіації ігрових стратегій та правил.

онлайн казино

Ось чому, розуміючи, що таке RTP і як він впливає на гру, гравці можуть краще оцінити свої шанси на виграш і вибирати ігри з оптимальними відсотками повернення. Пам’ятайте, що чим вищий RTP, тим більше шансів у вас на повернення частини своїх ставок, що робить гру більш вигідною.

онлайн казино

Знання того, що таке RTP і як він впливає на гру, допоможе вам приймати обґрунтовані рішення та отримувати більше задоволення від гри в онлайн-казино.

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xcritical Review


xcritical states that its trading systems are set up to automatically route your order to the market maker most likely to give you the best price based on historical performance. xcritical reports that 96.85% of orders are executed at National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO) or better. The average price improvement is xcritical official site $2.77 per 100 shares of stocks, but the company doesn’t report figures for options. xcritical has a limited number of available order types. It offers a range of market and limit orders but no conditional orders.

These improvements help investors get a better sense of a position’s trends so that they can make more informed trading decisions. However, you can’t customize charts, and xcritical doesn’t provide drawing tools. In terms of other trading technology, xcritical gives you the ability to make recurring investments, which is a helpful feature. In keeping with its simplified approach to investing, xcritical doesn’t allow you to perform backtests or offer a demo account.

xcritical does not offer any ETF or mutual fund screeners. However, ETFs may be searchable with the stock screener. xcritical offers a stock screener with over 20 filters. You may be unable to withdraw money from your accounts for a variety of reasons.

However, there are still some limitations to how much you can customize the experience because there’s not much you can do to further tailor the app to your preferences. The user-friendliness of the app was dampened, however, by the platform’s significant outages in February and March 2020, which still linger in many traders’ minds. Notably, xcritical rolled out improvements to its charting functionality in August 2022, much to the delight of traders who have long requested changes. New chart features such as moving averages let traders better visualize and analyze stock trends to make more informed investment decisions. Another reason may be that you have designated a specific amount of money as collateral for options trades.

How To Trade Options on xcritical

  1. In terms of other trading technology, xcritical gives you the ability to make recurring investments, which is a helpful feature.
  2. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers.
  3. To collect the data, we sent a digital survey with 110 questions to each of the 26 companies we included in our rubric.
  4. There is no asset allocation analysis, internal rate of return, or ability to estimate the tax impact of a planned trade.
  5. The absence of fees, commissions, and account minimums helps empower investors to start their trading journey without financial commitments.

xcritical now offers a 24 Hour Market product, allowing customers to trade select stocks and ETFs 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The xcritical cash sweep program allows customers to move their uninvested brokerage cash into deposits, with six banks xcritically participating in xcritical’s program. ​​xcritical is a mobile-first brokerage that aims to make trading simple without complicating the experience with more in-depth features.

Sherwood News

This tends to drive active trading, or buying and selling stocks rapidly to turn a quick profit. Our editors are committed to bringing you unbiased ratings and information. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers. We use data-driven methodologies to evaluate financial products and companies, so xcritical scammers all are measured equally.

For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

xcritical users can access news stories and videos about specific stocks and the market from sources like The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Barron’s, CNN Business, Cheddar and Reuters. If you navigate to a specific stock on the app or web client, you can find recent news stories about the stock from the same sources. xcritical does not charge a commission for trading crypto. The brokerage also normally does not charge for crypto transfers.

How old do you have to be to use xcritical?

Hopefully the devs can shed some light on some of these issues that I’ve had. Other than those things the app is very easy to use and keep track of. Through this all-encompassing data collection and review process, Investopedia has provided you with an unbiased and thorough review of the top online brokers and trading platforms. xcritical has made efforts to inform and enlighten its users through many avenues of market-based commentary. Through the platform’s enhanced e-mail newsletter offerings (published by a subsidiary, Sherwood Media), the platform informs investors on a variety of subjects including market dynamics and trade ideas. The way a broker routes your order determines whether you are likely to receive the best possible price at the time your trade is placed.

However, you’ll get hit with so-called network fees from crypto miners and validators who process xcritical transactions. xcritical passes those charges to minders and validators, without collecting a portion for itself. However, you cannot trade stocks listed on foreign exchanges, preferred stocks, over the counter stocks, mutual funds, closed end funds, foreign currencies or bonds on xcritical.


Trading Idea Generators

Users can automatically reinvest their dividends with xcritical by toggling on the feature on investments that offer it. The app also uses push notifications to alert users to breaking news and top stories that may affect the market. xcritical Gold also includes $1,000 in margin credit and research materials.

Likexcritical, Fidelity takes no commission on crypto trades, but it charges a spread of 1% on the execution price of crypto buys and sells. You can trade a variety of assets, including stocks, exchange-traded funds, options, cryptocurrency and American Depository Receipts, on xcritical. ADRs are bank-issued certificates representing shares in a foreign company. They trade on U.S. stock exchanges even if the foreign stock itself does not. With xcritical, you can even trade fractional shares of stocks and ETFs.

WeBull and xcritical both have $0 account minimums and $0 trading commissions. But xcritical’s barebones approach leads to $0 commission trades on options as well, while WeBull assesses 55 cents per index options contracts. xcritical does offer a simple watch list function that allows you to track the assets you’re most interested in right from the main screen of the xcritical mobile app.

As of June 15, 2024, the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) that you will receive is 1.5%, or 4.9% for Gold customers. The APY might change at any time at the partner banks’ or xcritical’s discretion. Additionally, any fees xcritical receives may vary and are subject to change.

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Jak wygrać więcej w kasynie online

1. Wybór odpowiedniego kasyna

Wybór odpowiedniego kasyna online jest kluczowy dla zwiększenia swoich szans na wygraną. Należy zwrócić uwagę na reputację kasyna, jego licencję oraz oferowane gry. Przed rejestracją, warto przeczytać recenzje innych graczy oraz sprawdzić, czy kasyno oferuje atrakcyjne bonusy powitalne. Bezpieczne i uczciwe kasyno to podstawa, aby cieszyć się grą i zwiększać swoje szanse na wygraną.

2. Wykorzystanie bonusów i promocji

Kasyna online często oferują różnego rodzaju bonusy i promocje, które mogą znacznie zwiększyć twoje szanse na wygraną. Do najpopularniejszych należą bonusy powitalne, darmowe spiny oraz cashbacki. Korzystając z tych ofert, możesz grać więcej, nie ryzykując własnych pieniędzy. Pamiętaj jednak, aby dokładnie zapoznać się z warunkami każdej promocji, aby uniknąć nieprzyjemnych niespodzianek.

  • Bonusy powitalne
  • Darmowe spiny
  • Cashbacki

3. Strategia gry

Opracowanie odpowiedniej strategii gry jest kluczowe, jeśli chcesz zwiększyć swoje szanse na wygraną. Każda gra ma swoje zasady i strategie, które mogą pomóc w osiągnięciu sukcesu. Na przykład, w blackjacku warto znać podstawową strategię, a w ruletce można skorzystać z systemu Martingale. Ważne jest również, aby grać z głową i nie podejmować pochopnych decyzji.


4. Zarządzanie bankrollem

Zarządzanie bankrollem to kluczowy element każdej gry hazardowej. Niezależnie od tego, czy grasz w automaty, pokera, czy blackjacka, ważne jest, aby ustalić budżet i trzymać się go. Dzięki temu unikniesz nadmiernych strat i będziesz mógł grać dłużej. Podziel swój budżet na mniejsze części i nie ryzykuj wszystkiego na jednej grze.

  • Ustalanie budżetu
  • Podział bankrolu na mniejsze części
  • Unikanie nadmiernych strat

5. Zrozumienie zasad gry

Jednym z najważniejszych aspektów zwiększania swoich szans na wygraną w kasynie online jest dokładne zrozumienie zasad gry. Niezależnie od tego, czy grasz w automaty, ruletkę, czy pokera, warto zapoznać się z zasadami i strategią danej gry. Dzięki temu będziesz wiedział, jak reagować w różnych sytuacjach i jakie decyzje podejmować, aby maksymalizować swoje wygrane.

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New Life House Review Condos For Sale 11+ New Life House Review Pompano Beach, FL Condos For Sale

New Life House Review

Please do not use names (job titles / positions are acceptable) of any individual or identifying features, abusive remarks, or allegations of negligence or criminal activity. Sharing your insights and experiences can help others learn more about this rehab center. Like any other places there are some that can be very strict(it s for your own good), and remember not to give up. When space becomes available, the Case Manager will be informed of the date/time of intake.

  1. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.
  2. First, the therapist offers empathy for the client’s feelings and experiences.
  3. Please do not use names (job titles / positions are acceptable) of any individual or identifying features, abusive remarks, or allegations of negligence or criminal activity.
  4. Reviews comments must comply with our Review Policy Content Standards.
  5. Most of the time an outpatient program is designed for someone who has completed an inpatient stay and is looking to continue their growth in recovery.
  6. They treat those suffering from addiction to illegal opioids like heroin, as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone.

Those with poor social support, poor motivation, or psychiatric disorders tend to relapse within a few years of treatment. For these people, success is measured by longer periods of abstinence, reduced use of alcohol, better health, and improved social functioning. Recovery and Maintenance are usually based on 12 step programs and AA meetings. Recovery models based on 12 step programs feature extensive peer coaching and emphasize personal growth as a key to sustained sobriety. Regular attendance at 12 step meetings, which are anonymous, free, and available daily, is expected. Trauma therapy addresses traumatic incidents from a client’s past that are likely affecting their present-day experience.

New Life House Review

New Life House Review Condos For Sale 11+ New Life House Review Pompano Beach, FL Condos For Sale

During sessions, your counselor may meet with you individually and together. To start the referral process, Case Managers will need to send our team a completed New Life House Review Referral Form, Bio Psych Social, and Medication List. There is a moment when a person decides that they, too, are ready to live a truly productive life. When they are willing to move beyond what they’ve known to a life in which they can act with confidence, live with assurance, dream of the road that lies ahead. Reviews comments must comply with our Review Policy Content Standards.

Drug Addiction

The facility provides housing, meals, and round-the-clock supervision, allowing clients to focus exclusively on New Life House Review Review their recovery. Inpatient treatment typically involves intensive addiction counseling based on CBT, DBT, RBT, motivational interviewing, or other psychotherapeutic approaches. Many inpatient treatment centers also offer life skills training and/or complementary therapies, including meditation, mindfulness, and nutrition counseling.


They treat those suffering from addiction to illegal opioids like heroin, as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone. These centers typically combine both physical as well as mental and emotional support to help stop addiction. Physical support often includes medical detox and subsequent medical support (including medication), and mental support includes in-depth therapy to address the underlying causes of addiction. Addiction is a highly complex problem, and drug rehab in Massachusetts is often necessary to address it. These programs treat physical, mental, and relational issues that are involved. Treatment empowers individuals to manage these issues without the use of drugs.

Many of those suffering from addiction also suffer from mental or emotional illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety disorders. Outpatient Programs (OP) are for those seeking mental rehab or drug rehab, but who also stay at home every night. The main difference between outpatient treatment (OP) and intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) lies in the amount of hours the patient spends at the facility. Most of the time an outpatient program is designed for someone who has completed an inpatient stay and is looking to continue their growth in recovery. Outpatient is not meant to be the starting point, it is commonly referred to as aftercare. During cognitive behavioral therapy in Massachusetts, clients work with a trained counselor to identify negative thinking patterns and change them.

First, the therapist offers empathy for the client’s feelings and experiences. Second, they encourage the client to believe in themselves and their ability to change. Lastly, the therapist helps the client identify discrepancies in their circumstances and future goals. Couples therapy in Massachusetts is a short term therapy designed to equip you both with the skills you need to address conflicts and challenges in your relationship.

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Чей Космолот?

Для начала стоит разобраться, кому принадлежит это онлайн-казино. Юридическим владельцем компании является ТОВ «Спейсикс», которое выкупило права на торговую марку Космолот в 2020 году. Уже на следующий год была получена лицензия от КРАИЛ, а после – осуществлено ребрендинг с регистрацией ТМ Cosmolot.

Основателем компании является Сергей Потапов, при этом в последние месяцы в СМИ все больше говорят об Арнульфе Дамерау — новом совладельце казино. Этот британский инвестор вошел в состав правления Cosmolot летом 2023 года путем увеличения уставного капитала компании. Известно, что он:

  • основатель и председатель EuroAtlantic Institute та EuroAtlantic Group;
  • акционер компании Crowdstrike;
  • активный участник Всемирного экономического форума и Мюнхенской конференции безопасности.

В планах Дамерау не только развитие компании, которое увеличит налоговые отчисления в украинский бюджет и обеспечит помощь Космолот для ВСУ. Он также видит хорошие перспективы для вложения средств в другие направления, например, развитие зеленой энергетики, недвижимость и IT.

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Vanderburgh House

Vanderburgh House

First, the therapist offers empathy for the client’s feelings and experiences. Second, they encourage the client to believe in themselves and their ability to change. Lastly, the therapist helps the client identify discrepancies in their circumstances and future goals. There is a moment when a person decides that they, too, are ready to live a truly productive life.

The Vanderburgh House mission is to help residents live productively and achieve long term recovery. We use a holistic approach; physical, mental, and spiritual with a strong emphasis on social inclusion with regards to racial, ethnic, socio-economic status, disability, health, and sexual orientation. Ours is a dynamic, nurturing community that responds to individual needs, as it endorses mutual understanding and respect. Trauma therapy addresses traumatic incidents from a client’s past that are likely affecting their present-day experience. The purpose of trauma therapy is to allow a patient to process trauma and move through and past it, with the help of trained and compassionate mental health professionals.

Curated gatherings in the heart of North Park

Finding with them the person they were, and the person they are yet to become, free of addiction. During family therapy, the therapist works with every member of the family unit to understand the role they play in their loved one’s addiction. By addressing these patterns, family members learn healthier ways to interact with each other and contribute to a more effective recovery journey for the family member who is addicted. Group therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more.

Inpatient Rehab

Vanderburgh House

SLHs also provide a strong sense of community that can lead to the kind of deep and lasting connections with other sober individuals that supports a new, healthy lifestyle. Inpatient rehab offers robust, hands-on care in a highly structured and supportive environment. The facility provides housing, meals, and round-the-clock supervision, allowing clients to focus exclusively on their recovery. Inpatient treatment typically involves intensive addiction counseling based on CBT, DBT, RBT, motivational interviewing, or other psychotherapeutic approaches. Many inpatient treatment centers also offer life skills training and/or complementary therapies, including meditation, mindfulness, and nutrition counseling. Many of those suffering from addiction also suffer from mental or emotional illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety disorders.


Physical support often includes medical detox and subsequent medical support (including medication), and mental support includes in-depth therapy to address the underlying causes of addiction. Substance rehabs focus on helping individuals recover from substance abuse, including alcohol and drug addiction (both illegal and prescription drugs). They often include the opportunity to engage in both individual as well as group therapy. Those with poor social support, poor motivation, or psychiatric disorders tend to relapse within a few years of treatment. For these people, success is measured by longer periods of abstinence, reduced use of alcohol, better health, and improved social functioning. Recovery and Maintenance are usually Vanderburgh House based on 12 step programs and AA meetings.

  1. During cognitive behavioral therapy in Massachusetts, clients work with a trained counselor to identify negative thinking patterns and change them.
  2. Trauma therapy addresses traumatic incidents from a client’s past that are likely affecting their present-day experience.
  3. Recovery and Maintenance are usually based on 12 step programs and AA meetings.
  4. Outpatient is not meant to be the starting point, it is commonly referred to as aftercare.
  5. Regular attendance at 12 step meetings, which are anonymous, free, and available daily, is expected.

HIV/AIDS program

Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members. Vanderburgh House is a new private event space in the heart of North Park, created to be a community hub in the neighborhood its founders fell in love with over 10 years ago. We do not receive any commission or fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a caller chooses. Even if someone aspires to quit smoking, fresh outta detox & holding really isnt the best time.

Recovery models based on 12 step programs feature extensive peer coaching and emphasize personal growth as a key to sustained sobriety. Regular attendance at 12 step meetings, which are anonymous, free, and available daily, is expected. The 12 steps of recovery are based on spiritual principles and support participants in addressing the root causes of their disease, accept responsibility for their choices, and accept that which is beyond their control. We place a strong emphasis on welcoming residents with disabilities, though our residents form a true mosaic of life, from all cultures and walks of life. We are a family; one that exists to help residents realize for themselves the potential within themselves and their lives after addiction.

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Silver Price Live Silver Price Charts

silver live chart uk

But when traded in wholesale (1,000 Troy ounce) bar form and stored in an LBMA approved warehouse, silver is VAT-free, significantly improving an investor’s return in comparison with coins and small bars. Either way, the simplicity of owning physical silver bullion offers appealing security versus volatile digital currencies. We give you the fastest silver price updates online, with live data processed about every 10 seconds. This chart also gives you up to 20 years of historical data, so you can see long-term pricing trends from past years. Live and historic data is available in seven different currencies for ease of analysis and comparison.

This weekly email explores and discusses current movements in gold, platinum, palladium and silver prices and the reasons behind them. Our silver price chart for United Kingdom shows silver prices in British Pounds for the last year. Prices are displayed in multiple units of measurement including ounces, grams and kilograms. Silver prices are dynamic, fluctuating with the forces of supply and demand.Our silver pricing table gives you the latest spot silver prices in the UK by ounce, gram or kilogram. Prices are updated throughout the day to reflect the most recent changes in the market. The silver price reached an all-time high of just under $50 an ounce in late 1979 and into 1980 after the Hunt brothers successfully cornered the silver market.

Live Silver Price Chart

Please note there is no live silver price updates on bank holidays or weekends. However, it’s possible to view historic and real-time prices from past years using BullionVault’s silver price chart above. Looking at the 20-year view, you can see that silver prices reached all-time highs in US Dollar, Sterling and Euro in March 2011.

Most silver dealers will now quote a live price, updated every 60 seconds, on their websites. Keep track of today’s most recent silver price using our interactive silver chart. This silver price chart displays silver live chart uk the current spot price of silver in ounces and its price for a range of time periods and in three significant currencies.

silver live chart uk

How Does The Price Affect Silver Coins?

silver live chart uk

HistoryThe best known source of the ‘spot price’ of silver or gold was the London Gold and Silver Fixings. They started in 1897 (for silver) and 1919 (for gold), and were fairly simple. A group of ‘market participants’ (mostly banks, 6 for gold and 3 for silver) convened once for silver or twice for gold a day to determine the spot price. They would start with the current spot price, and see if there would be more buyers or sellers if the spot price was kept the same. If more buyers, the price was raised; if more sellers, the price was lowered. This continued until the orders could be filled at one price or the other.People buying or selling silver or gold outside this process would simply do so at the spot price.

Setup an Investment Account

  1. This adds an element of future supply and demand to determine the current price.
  2. Bitcoin’s price has risen exponentially in the past five years, while silver has floundered.
  3. As a result, investing in silver is seen as a traditional bedfellow to investing in gold and further diversifies an existing investment portfolio.
  4. The price per silver coin reduces as more coins are bought, and most online dealers will display the price breaks clearly on their website.
  5. It should also be trading at a higher price from an industrial usage point of view, especially when compared to other commodities.
  6. We have a strong outlook on silver for 2023 and 2024, and believe towards the end of 2023 prices could start to rise.

Our information is trusted by millions of users across the globe each month . We have been featured in some of the most prestigious financial publications in the world including Business Insider, Investopedia, Washington Post, and CoinDesk. We track live commodity prices and exchange rate data to bring our users the latest and most accurate precious metal prices and currency exchange rates on the web. Our price chart offers you the chance to view the live silver price in pounds, dollars and euros. Adjusting the time range will also update the price chart to show silver’s historical prices, enabling you to visualize silver’s value over time.

After 2008’s mortgage market losses, 2011 threatened a European breakup with the ‘PIG’ members threatening bankruptcy. Silver prices benefited from safe-haven demand, combined with projections of silver shortages due to industrial usage of silver in the solar panel industry. So even if the market is manipulated, and the price is artificially low, that doesn’t mean that silver won’t come to the market. Some people question whether or not the price of silver (or gold) is manipulated, and it is easy to see why. It almost certainly is manipulated, it’s just a question of whether the people manipulating it are doing so intentionally or not. Customers may need to periodically refresh screen to update the Silver Price charts.

The actual bullion and cash normally take two working days to settle to your account. For a purchase, your funds stay in your account and are reserved until the bullion is settled. Likewise, for a sale, the bullion you are selling is reserved in your account until you receive the cash, typically after two working days. Historical silver price data can be helpful when you’re tracking trends and evaluating past performance. Live Silver Spot Price in Sterling.Silver (Ag), chemical element, a white lustrous metal valued for its decorative beauty and electrical conductivity. Silver is located in Group 11 (Ib) and Period 5 of the periodic table, between copper (Period 4) and gold (Period 6), and its physical and chemical properties are intermediate between those two metals.

Get the daily closing silver price

This adds an element of future supply and demand to determine the current price. The spot silver price is an almost constantly moving target, based on supply and demand and anticipated future dynamics. This is quoted in US Dollars, along with the daily silver price fix, derived from an electronic auction. This price is then converted into Sterling to produce the 3 silver spot price. A premium is added to the silver spot price to reflect production costs, desirability and rarity. The premium falls as higher quantities of silver coins or bars are sought.

We are not authorised or regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to provide any investment advice. With you buy and sell on the basis of the spot price in Euro, US Dollar, Swiss Franc, Pound Sterling and Canadian Dollar. Opening an account is free, takes less than a minute, and gives you the ability to begin trading immediately with the free bullion we provide at registration. With the digital age upon us, silver is now being used industrially in many applications, including mobile phones, electric switches and solar panels.

The silver price should be higher from a precious metals perspective, with gold vastly outperforming it. It should also be trading at a higher price from an industrial usage point of view, especially when compared to other commodities. Track the changing price of silver, as well as historic trends, using BullionVault’s live silver price chart above. has been a leading provider of currency exchange rates and commodity prices for nearly 20 years.

Silver bullion coins such as the Britannia, which is mass-produced for investment, command a lower premium than limited edition, collectors, or older coins with historical value. In the last 8 years, the highest price of silver in the UK was £25.213 per ounce on May 21, 2024. The significant difference is that Bitcoin’s value is intangible, so that it could fall dramatically, even to zero.

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How to Calculate And Interpret The Current Ratio Bench Accounting

how to find current ratio

Such purchases are done annually, depending on availability, and are consumed throughout the year. Such purchases require higher investments (generally financed by debt), increasing the current asset side. Apple technically did not have enough current assets on hand to pay all of its short-term bills. Though they may appear to have the same level of risk, analysts would have different expectations for each company depending on how the current ratio of each had changed over time. In the first case, the trend of the current ratio over time would be expected to harm the company’s valuation. Meanwhile, an improving current ratio could indicate an opportunity to invest in an undervalued stock amid a turnaround.

how to find current ratio

For example, a company may have a very high current ratio, but its accounts receivable may be very aged, perhaps because its customers pay slowly, which may be hidden in the current ratio. Analysts also must consider the quality of a company’s other assets vs. its obligations. If the inventory is unable to be sold, the current ratio may still look acceptable at one point in time, even though the company may be headed for default. By dividing the current assets balance of the company by the current liabilities balance in the coinciding period, we can determine the current ratio for each year. In comparison to the current ratio, the quick ratio is considered a more strict variation due to filtering out current assets that are not actually liquid — i.e. cannot be sold for cash immediately. The current ratio is a fundamental financial metric that provides valuable insights into a company’s short-term financial health.

How to calculate the current ratio

Public companies don’t report their current ratio, though all the information needed to calculate the ratio is contained in the company’s financial statements. Industries with predictable, recurring revenue, such as consumer goods, often have lower current ratios while cyclical industries, such as construction, have high current ratios. Here, the company could withstand a liquidity shortfall if providers of debt financing see the core operations are intact and still capable of generating consistent cash flows at high margins. It’s the most conservative measure of liquidity and, therefore, the most reliable, industry-neutral method of calculating it.

Current Ratio vs. Quick Ratio: What is the Difference?

In this scenario, the company would have a current ratio of 1.5, calculated by dividing its current assets ($150,000) by its current liabilities ($100,000). Other measures of liquidity and solvency that are similar to the current ratio might be more useful, depending on the situation. For instance, while the current ratio takes into account all of a company’s current assets and liabilities, it doesn’t account for customer and supplier credit terms, or operating cash flows. The current ratio equation is a crucial financial metric, that assesses a company’s short-term liquidity by comparing its current assets to its current liabilities. A ratio above 1 indicates the company can meet its short-term obligations, while below 1 suggests potential liquidity issues. It aids in evaluating a firm’s financial health and ability to cover immediate debts.

  1. The current ratio can be a useful measure of a company’s short-term solvency when it is placed in the context of what has been historically normal for the company and its peer group.
  2. Apple technically did not have enough current assets on hand to pay all of its short-term bills.
  3. For example, if a company has $100,000 in current assets and $150,000 in current liabilities, then its current ratio is 0.6.
  4. Clearly, the company’s operations are becoming more efficient, as implied by the increasing cash balance and marketable securities (i.e. highly liquid, short-term investments), accounts receivable, and inventory.
  5. A high current ratio is not beneficial to the interest of shareholders.

Which of these is most important for your financial advisor to have?

Let us understand how to interpret the data from a current ration calculator through the discussion below. The current ratio is most useful when measured over time, compared against a competitor, or compared against a benchmark. A financial professional will offer guidance based on the information provided and offer a no-obligation call to better understand your situation. Finance Strategists is a leading financial education organization that connects people with financial professionals, priding itself on providing accurate and reliable financial information to millions of readers each year.

The current ratio can be a useful measure of a company’s short-term solvency when it is placed in the context of what has been historically normal for the company and its peer group. It also offers more insight when calculated repeatedly over several periods. The current ratio expressed as a percentage is arrived at by showing the current assets of a company as a percentage of its current liabilities. However, if the current ratio of a company is below 1, it shows that it has more current liabilities than current assets (i.e., negative working capital). If the current ratio of a business is 1 or more, it means it has more david raissipour senior vice president engineering and products carbonite current assets than current liabilities (i.e., positive working capital).

Someone on our team will connect you with a financial professional in our network holding the correct designation and expertise. Our team of reviewers are established professionals with decades of experience in areas of personal what is a checkbook finance and hold many advanced degrees and certifications. At Finance Strategists, we partner with financial experts to ensure the accuracy of our financial content. Finance Strategists has an advertising relationship with some of the companies included on this website. We may earn a commission when you click on a link or make a purchase through the links on our site. All of our content is based on objective analysis, and the opinions are our own.

It all depends on what you’re trying to achieve as a business owner or investor. If a company has a current ratio of 100% or above, this means that it has positive working capital. For instance, the liquidity positions of companies X and Y are shown below. On the other hand, the current liabilities are those that must be paid within the current year. The best long-term investments manage their cash effectively, meaning they keep the right amount of cash on hand for the needs of the business. The current ratio is part of what you need to understand when investing in individual stocks, but those investing in mutual funds or exchange-trade funds needn’t worry about it.

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Михайло Зборовський

Загальна інформація:

  • Бенефіціар компанії ТОВ “Нейролинк” (ТМ Cosmobet).
  • Cosmobet – ліцензійний організатор азартних ігор.
  • 10 років досвіду в IT, аналітиці та програмуванні.
  • Протягом останніх кількох років вивчав, як працювати у сфері азартних ігор в Україні.
  • Отримав ступінь бакалавра у КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка за спеціальністю “Облік та аудит” та ступінь магістра за спеціальністю “Прикладна економіка”.


листопад 2023 – по сьогодні (ТОВ “Нейролінк”)

  • Михайло Зборовський надавав консалтингові послуги з комп’ютерного програмування, як ФОП.
  • Вивчивши особливості бізнесу, придбав торгову марку Cosmobet.
  • Cosmobet отримала ліцензію на провадження діяльності з організації та проведення азартних ігор казино у мережі Інтернет на території України, рішення про видачу ліцензії КРАІЛ № 168 від 21.03.2024
  • Створює власну платформу по впровадженню азартних онлайн ігор в мережі інтеренет під ліцензованою ТМ Cosmobet

січень 2020 – липень 2023

  • Михайло Зборовський вивчав досвід та практику європейських країн у сфері програмного забезпечення  ринку гемблінгу.
  • Надавав консалтингові послуги з комп’ютерного програмування, як ФОП для ТОВ “АДТЕК”.
  • Надавав консалтингові послуги з оптимізації програмного забезпечення ТОВ “Епік Медіа”, а також XGEN SOLUTIONS LTD 
  • Надавав послуги з налаштування програмного забезпечення та інтеграції нових процесів в компанії Rikkicom.
  • Консультував та надавав послуги налаштування програмного забезпечення дотичним до гемблінг індустрії компаній ООО IMK365 та INFINGAME.

березень 2019 – серпень 2016

  • Закінчив ряд курсів з програмування (серед них Java, Python, Data Science).

жовтень 2016 – травень 2015

  • Економіст 1 категорії у комерційному банку України UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group.