What can FL Studio 11 do?
Introducing FL Studio 11 FL Studio 11 is a complete software music production environment, representing over 14 years of innovative development and our commitment to free lifetime updates. Everything you need in one package to compose, arrange, record, edit, mix and master professional-quality music. FL Studio 11 is the fastest way from your brain to your speakers. * Audio editing and manipulation, including pitch correction, pitch shifting, harmonization, time-stretching, beat-detection and slicing, audio warping and standard audio manipulation (cut/paste etc.). * Automate most interface and all plugin parameters with recording, drawing, spline-based automation curves, automation generators with formula-based control of links. * Can be hosted in other DAWs as a VST or connected via ReWire. * Live music performance, including visualization of video effects.
* Pattern sequencing and arranging with seamless workflow possible
* Mix and remix audio, including applying real-time audio effects such as delay, reverb, and filtering. * Multi-track audio recording up to the limit of your audio interface’s inputs. * Record and play back MIDI input recordings from keyboards, drum pads, and controllers. * Synthesizer and effects plugins that host 32- and 64-bit VST, DX, and FL Native formats. Notable New Features – Performance Mode – Trigger playlist clips in real-time using a mouse, touch screen, keyboard, or MIDI controller. Supports APC20/40, Launchpad, Lemur, Block, Maschine/Mikro, padKONTROL, Traktor Kontrol (and more). – Multi-touch Support – FL Studio and some plugins now respond to multi-touch with Microsoft gesture functions supported.
– Playlist – 199 playlist tracks, increased from 99
– Link includes MIDI input port – Links now remember the MIDI input port used to avoid controller conflicts. – Playlist and Piano roll – Horizontal and vertical movement lock. Shift is the horizontal lock and Ctrl is the vertical lock when dragging items. – Piano roll – Pasting notes, mouse wheel speed, monophonic step entry mode, and the Chord Cut tool. – Right-click data entry – Most controls now allow a right-click option to type values. – Plugin selector – Right-click to open a plugin and its presets in the browser. Start typing plugin names to highlight entries.
Click and hold functions
– Mixer – Page Up/Down keyboard keys cycle through the plugin windows of the current mixer track. – Options – Play clipped notes in clips restores notes that overlap slice points in pattern clips. GUI animation level now selectable from understated to fun. New Plugins – BassDrum – Deep Kick-Bass percussion synth with sample layering. BassDrum was developed due to strong and loud customer demand for punchy kicks with a big bottom end. Our solution was to take a hybrid synthesis/sample route to provide unlimited customization for the perfect kick sound. – GMS (Groove Machine Synth) – Multi-timbral hybrid synth and FX channel taken from Groove Machine.
Another popular plugin
– Effector – 12 performance-oriented effects: Distortion, Lo-Fi Bit Reduction, Flanging, Phasing, Filter (Low/High Pass), Delay, Reverb, Stereo Panning and Binaural Effect, Gating, Granulizer, Vocal Formant and Ring Modulation effects. Effector was introduced to complement Performance mode and is perfect for use with displays and multi-touch controllers. – Patcher – Introduced with FL Studio 10 to provide a means to save and recall commonly used effects and plugin chains. It’s in the new section because, in addition to being overhauled with animated connections and a new interface, Patcher has gained two, among many more to come, Voice Effects (VFX). – VFX Key Mapper – Allows you to transpose, change keys, adapt chords, or creatively remap note inputs, live or from the Piano roll. – VFX Color Mapper – Take advantage of FL Studio’s 16 Piano roll note colors, traditionally mapped to MIDI channels.