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BoardEffect – Eliminate the Risks and Challenges of Email Voting

For businesses that rely on the input and decision-making of board members, it’s important to have a smooth process for voting. No matter if the vote involves appointing new board members or deciding on the board’s policies and procedures, it’s essential that board directors have a convenient method of participating online. Online voting via a board portal such as BoardEffect can help achieve this.

Email Voting

Email communication is a common feature in homes and offices of all sizes. However, voting by email isn’t as easy. There are many dangers, legal challenges and issues to be aware of when voting via email. Emails can also be unsecure which makes it difficult to safeguard confidential information. Email also doesn’t allow you to verify that the response was sent by the board member intended.

MeetingPulse is a great example of an online board management software that will help organizations eliminate the problems that arise from voting via email, but still provide a great alternative for those unable to attend meetings in person. This board voting tool allows participants to participate in a safe manner and the security of an enterprise of this platform shields votes from the most sophisticated hackers. With a range of features, such as live polling and a simplified procedure for recording minutes, the MeetingPulse board portal system is an effective solution to ensure that remote meetings are as productive as is possible.

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